VTKにおいて,与えられたデータをImageDataとして記述してみる. ImageDataのサンプルは次のようになる.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="ImageData">
<ImageData WholeExtent="0 4 0 4 0 0" Origin="0.0 0.0 0.0" Spacing="1.0 1.0 1.0">
<Piece Extent="0 4 0 4 0 0">
<PointData Scalars="Data1">
<DataArray type="Float64" NumberOfComponents="1" Name="Data1" format="ascii">
2.718 1.868 1.648 1.868 2.718
1.868 1.284 1.133 1.284 1.868
1.648 1.133 1.0 1.133 1.648
1.868 1.284 1.133 1.284 1.868
2.718 1.868 1.648 1.868 2.718
Python上のnumpy配列データを引数として渡し, データセット要素 ImageData のXML形式VTKファイル(.vti) を出力するクラスを以下に示す.
import sys, subprocess
import numpy as np
# ========================================================= #
# === vtk_makeImageData class === #
# ========================================================= #
class vtk_makeImageData():
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- class Initiator --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def __init__( self, vtkFile=None, Data=None, Spacing=[1.,1.,1.], Origin=[0.,0.,0.,], \
VectorData=False, DataFormat="ascii", ):
# --- [1-1] Arguments --- #
if ( vtkFile is None ): vtkFile = "out.vti"
# --- [1-2] Variables Settings --- #
self.vtkFile = vtkFile
self.vtkContents = ''
self.vtkEndTags = ''
self.Data = Data
self.Origin = Origin
self.Spacing = Spacing
self.DataFormat = DataFormat
self.VectorData = VectorData
self.DataDims = None
self.LILJLK = None
# --- [1-3] Routines --- #
self.vtk_add_VTKFileTag ( datatype="ImageData" )
self.vtk_add_ImageDataTag( Data=self.Data, VectorData=self.VectorData )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- vtk_add_VTKFileTag --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def vtk_add_VTKFileTag( self, datatype=None ):
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [1] Add XML Definition & VTKFile Tag --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( datatype is None ): datatype = "ImageData"
self.vtkContents += '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
self.vtkContents += '<VTKFile type="{0}">\n'.format( datatype )
self.vtkEndTags = '</VTKFile>' + '\n' + self.vtkEndTags
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- vtk_add_ImageDataTag --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def vtk_add_ImageDataTag( self, Data=None, LILJLK=None, Origin=None, Spacing=None, \
DataName=None, VectorData=False, WholeExtent=None, Point_or_Cell="point" ):
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [1] Arguments --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( DataName is None ): DataName = "Data"
self.prepareData( Data=Data, VectorData=VectorData )
if ( VectorData is True ):
Scl_or_Vec = "Vectors"
elif ( VectorData is False ):
Scl_or_Vec = "Scalars"
if ( WholeExtent is None ):
WholeExtent = " ".join( [ "0 {0}".format( max(s-1,0) ) for s in list( self.LILJLK ) ] )
if ( Origin is None ):
Origin = " ".join( [ str(Opt) for Opt in self.Origin ] )
if ( Spacing is None ):
Spacing = " ".join( [ str(Spc) for Spc in self.Spacing ] )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [2] ImageDataTag --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
self.vtkContents += '<ImageData WholeExtent="{0}" Origin="{1}" Spacing="{2}">\n'\
.format( WholeExtent, Origin, Spacing )
self.vtkContents += '<Piece Extent="{0}">\n'.format( WholeExtent )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [3] PointData / CellData --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( Point_or_Cell.lower() == "point" ):
self.vtkContents += '<PointData {0}="{1}">\n'.format( Scl_or_Vec, DataName )
self.vtkContents += self.vtk_add_DataArray( Data=Data, DataName=DataName )
self.vtkContents += '</PointData>\n'
if ( Point_or_Cell.lower() == "cell" ):
self.vtkContents += '<CellData {0}="{1}">\n'.format( Scl_or_Vec, DataName )
self.vtkContents += self.vtk_add_DataArray( Data=Data, DataName=DataName )
self.vtkContents += '</CellData>\n'
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [4] Close ImageData Tag --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
self.vtkContents += '</Piece>\n'
self.vtkContents += '</ImageData>\n'
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- vtk_add_DataArray --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def vtk_add_DataArray( self, Data=None, DataName=None, DataFormat=None, DataType=None, nComponents=None, nData=None, VectorData=False ):
if ( Data is None ): sys.exit( "[vtk_add_DataArray -@makeStructuredGrid-] Data == ??? " )
if ( DataName is None ): sys.exit( "[vtk_add_DataArray -@makeStructuredGrid-] DataName == ??? " )
if ( DataFormat is None ): DataFormat = self.DataFormat
if ( DataType is None ): DataType = self.inquiryData( Data=Data, ret_DataType =True, VectorData=VectorData )
if ( nComponents is None ): nComponents = self.inquiryData( Data=Data, ret_nComponents=True, VectorData=VectorData )
if ( nData is None ): nData = self.inquiryData( Data=Data, ret_nData =True, VectorData=VectorData )
ret = ""
ret += '<DataArray Name="{0}" type="{1}" NumberOfComponents="{2}" format="{3}">\n'\
.format( DataName, DataType, nComponents, DataFormat )
lines = ""
if ( nComponents == 1 ):
for line in np.ravel( Data ):
lines += "{0} ".format( line )
lines += "\n"
for line in Data:
lines += ( " ".join( [ str( val ) for val in line ] ) + "\n" )
ret += lines
ret += '</DataArray>\n'
return( ret )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- vtk_writeFile --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def vtk_writeFile( self, vtkFile=None ):
if ( vtkFile is None ): vtkFile = self.vtkFile
with open( vtkFile, "w" ) as f:
f.write( self.vtkContents )
f.write( self.vtkEndTags ) ( "xmllint --format --encode utf-8 {0} -o {0}"\
.format( vtkFile ) ).split() )
print( "[vtk_writeFile-@makeImageData-] VTK File output :: {0}".format( vtkFile ) )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- inquiryData --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def inquiryData( self, Data=None, VectorData=False, ret_DataType=False, ret_nComponents=False, ret_nData=False ):
if ( Data is None ): sys.exit( "[inquiryData-@vtk_makeImageData-] Data == ??? " )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [1] DataType Check --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( type(Data) is not np.ndarray ):
sys.exit( "[inquiryData-@vtk_makeImageData-] Data should be np.ndarray [ERROR]" )
if ( Data.dtype == np.int32 ): DataType = "Int32"
if ( Data.dtype == np.int64 ): DataType = "Int64"
if ( Data.dtype == np.float32 ): DataType = "Float32"
if ( Data.dtype == np.float64 ): DataType = "Float64"
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [2] Data Shape Check --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( VectorData is True ):
nComponents = Data.shape[-1]
nData = np.size( Data[-1][:] )
nComponents = 1
nData = np.size( Data[:] )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [3] Return --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( ret_DataType ): return( DataType )
if ( ret_nComponents ): return( nComponents )
if ( ret_nData ): return( nData )
return( { "DataType":DataType, "nComponents":nComponents, "nData":nData } )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- prepareData --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
def prepareData( self, Data=None, VectorData=False ):
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [1] Data Array Type/Shape Check --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( Data is None ): return()
if ( type(Data) is not np.ndarray ):
sys.exit( "[prepareData-@vtk_makeImageData-] Data should be np.ndarray [ERROR]" )
if ( Data.ndim >= 5 ):
sys.exit( "[prepareData-@vtk_makeImageData-] incorrect Data size ( ndim >= 5 ) [ERROR]" )
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [2] DataDims & LILJLK Check --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( VectorData is True ):
self.DataDims = Data.shape[-1]
self.LILJLK = Data.shape[:-1]
self.DataDims = 1
self.LILJLK = Data.shape[:]
# ------------------------------------------------- #
# --- [3] for 2D Data --- #
# ------------------------------------------------- #
if ( len( self.LILJLK ) == 2 ):
self.LILJLK = self.LILJLK + (1,)
Data = Data.reshape( self.LILJLK )
if ( len( self.LILJLK ) == 1 ):
self.LILJLK = self.LILJLK + (1,1,)
Data = Data.reshape( self.LILJLK )
# ======================================== #
# === 実行部 === #
# ======================================== #
if ( __name__=="__main__" ):
x1Range = [-1.0,+1.0]
x2Range = [-1.0,+1.0]
size = (5,5)
import genGrid.Gaussian2D as gs2
gau = gs2.Gaussian2D( x1Range=x1Range, x2Range=x2Range, size=size )
vtk = vtk_makeImageData( Data=gau )