
LU分解 ( LU-Decomposition ) は任意の正則行列に対して成り立つ、行列分解手法である. 行列 A が正則であるならば、

A = LU

と、下三角行列 L と上三角行列 U 積に分解することができる.これを LU分解 と呼ぶ.

LU分解は、 Gauss の消去法における前進消去による上三角行列化に他ならない.行列 A と単位行列 E の拡大係数行列に対して、前進消去を適用し、上三角行列化する.

A_{11} & A_{12} & \cdots & A_{1n} \\
A_{21} & A_{22} &        & A_{2n} \\
\vdots &        & \ddots &        \\
A_{n1} & A_{n2} &        & A_{nn}

2 & 3 & \ 1 &  & 3\\
3 & 2 &  -3 &  & 5

ここで、前進消去に要した行基本変形をまとめて 行列 K と表現すれば、

KA = U

である.ここで、行列 K は下三角行列であり、この逆行列も下三角行列となる.両辺に K の逆行列 ( L とおく )を左からかけることにより、

K^{-1} K A = A = K^{-1}U = LU

と書くことができる.行列 L は下三角行列であり、行列 U は上三角行列であることから、一連の操作はAに対するLU分解である.つまり、Gaussの消去法における前進消去はLU分解に他ならないことがわかる.



  1! ====================================================== !
  2! === Gauss Jordan Inverting Example                 === !
  3! ====================================================== !
  4program main
  5  use LU_DecompMod, only : LU_Decomposition, LU_BackSubstitution, LU_MatrixInverse
  6  implicit none
  7  character(100)  , parameter   :: AmatFile = 'dat/Amat.dat'
  8  character(100)  , parameter   :: LmatFile = 'dat/Lmat.dat'
  9  character(100)  , parameter   :: UmatFile = 'dat/Umat.dat'
 10  character(100)  , parameter   :: bvecFile = 'dat/bvec.dat'
 11  double precision, allocatable :: Amat(:,:), Lmat(:,:), Umat(:,:)
 12  double precision, allocatable :: Bmat(:,:), Ainv(:,:)
 13  double precision, allocatable :: bvec(:), xvec(:), avec(:)
 14  integer         , allocatable :: indx(:)
 15  integer                       :: i, j, nSize, nSize_
 16  integer         , parameter   :: lun = 50
 18  ! ------------------------------------- !
 19  ! --- [1] Data Load                 --- !
 20  ! ------------------------------------- !
 21  open(lun,file=trim(AmatFile),status='old',form='formatted')
 22  read(lun,*) nSize, nSize
 23  allocate( Amat(nSize,nSize), Lmat(nSize,nSize), Umat(nSize,nSize) )
 24  allocate( Bmat(nSize,nSize), Ainv(nSize,nSize) )
 25  allocate( indx(nSize) )
 26  Amat(:,:) = 0.d0
 27  Lmat(:,:) = 0.d0
 28  Umat(:,:) = 0.d0
 29  Bmat(:,:) = 0.d0
 30  do i=1, nSize
 31     read(lun,*) Amat(i,:)
 32  enddo
 33  close(lun)
 34  open(lun,file=trim(bvecFile),status='old',form='formatted')
 35  read(lun,*) nSize_
 36  if ( ) stop '[main] incompatible size Amat vs. bvec ERROR !!!'
 37  allocate( bvec(nSize), xvec(nSize), avec(nSize) )
 38  do i=1, nSize
 39     read(lun,*) bvec(i)
 40  enddo
 41  close(lun)
 43  ! ------------------------------------- !
 44  ! --- [2] LU Decomposition & solve  --- !
 45  ! ------------------------------------- !
 46  call LU_Decomposition   ( Amat, Lmat, Umat, indx, nSize )
 47  call LU_BackSubstitution( Lmat, Umat, bvec, xvec, indx, nSize )
 48  call LU_MatrixInverse   ( Amat, Ainv, nSize )
 50  ! ------------------------------------- !
 51  ! --- [3] save Results              --- !
 52  ! ------------------------------------- !
 53  open(lun,file=trim(LmatFile),status='replace',form='formatted')
 54  write(lun,*) nSize
 55  do i=1, nSize
 56     write(lun,*) Lmat(i,:)
 57  enddo
 58  open(lun,file=trim(UmatFile),status='replace',form='formatted')
 59  write(lun,*) nSize
 60  do i=1, nSize
 61     write(lun,*) Umat(i,:)
 62  enddo
 63  close(lun)
 64  ! ------------------------------------- !
 65  ! --- [4] confirm results           --- !
 66  ! ------------------------------------- !
 67  !  -- [4-1] input Amatrix           --  !
 68  write(6,*)
 69  write(6,*) 'Amat (input) '
 70  do i=1, nSize
 71     write(6,*) Amat(i,:)
 72  enddo
 73  !  -- [4-2] LU Decomposition        --  !
 74  write(6,*)
 75  write(6,*) 'Lmat | Umat (decomposed results) '
 76  do i=1, nSize
 77     write(6,*) Lmat(i,:), ' | ', Umat(i,:)
 78  enddo
 79  write(6,*)
 80  write(6,*) 'LU ( multiplied matrix )'
 81  Bmat = matmul( Lmat, Umat )
 82  do i=1, nSize
 83     write(6,*) Bmat(i,:)
 84  enddo
 85  write(6,*)
 86  write(6,*) 'A* ( permutated A matrix )  must be LU'
 87  do i=1, nSize
 88     write(6,*) Amat(indx(i),:)
 89  enddo
 90  write(6,*)
 91  write(6,*) 'permutation index ( i-th row ==> indx(i) )'
 92  do i=1, nSize
 93     write(6,*) i, indx(i)
 94  enddo
 95  !  -- [4-3] solve eqs.             --  !
 96  write(6,*)
 97  write(6,*) 'b ( L.H.S. )'
 98  do i=1, nSize
 99     write(6,*) bvec(i)
100  enddo
101  write(6,*)
102  write(6,*) 'x ( Numerical Solution )'
103  do i=1, nSize
104     write(6,*) xvec(i)
105  enddo
106  avec(:) = matmul( Amat, xvec )
107  write(6,*)
108  write(6,*) 'residual of the solution  ( for  A-Matrix )'
109  do i=1, nSize
110     write(6,*) avec(i)
111  enddo
112  avec(:) = matmul( Bmat, xvec )
113  write(6,*)
114  write(6,*) 'residual of the solution  ( for LU-matrix )'
115  do i=1, nSize
116     write(6,*) avec(i)
117  enddo
118  !  -- [4-4] inverted Amat :: Ainv   --  !
119  write(6,*) 'A^-1 ( inverted A matrix )'
120  do i=1, nSize
121     write(6,*) Ainv(i,:)
122  enddo
123  write(6,*)
124  write(6,*) 'A^-1 A must be unit matrix'
125  Bmat(:,:) = matmul( Ainv, Amat )
126  do i=1, nSize
127     write(6,*) Bmat(i,:)
128  enddo
129  write(6,*)
130  write(6,*) 'A A^-1 must be unit matrix'
131  Bmat(:,:) = matmul( Amat, Ainv )
132  do i=1, nSize
133     write(6,*) Bmat(i,:)
134  enddo
135  write(6,*)
137  return
138end program main
  1module LU_DecompMod
  4  ! ====================================================== !
  5  ! === LU Decomposition Routines                      === !
  6  ! ====================================================== !
  7  subroutine LU_Decomposition( Amat, Lmat, Umat, indx, nSize )
  8    implicit none
  9    integer         , intent(in)    :: nSize
 10    double precision, intent(in)    :: Amat(nSize,nSize)
 11    double precision, intent(out)   :: Lmat(nSize,nSize), Umat(nSize,nSize)
 12    integer         , intent(out)   :: indx(nSize)
 13    integer                         :: i, j, k, iMax, ibuff
 14    double precision, allocatable   :: Bmat(:,:), vv(:)
 15    double precision                :: BBMax, dbuff, sum
 16    double precision, parameter     :: eps = 1.d-20
 17    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 18    ! --  indx(nSize) :: permutation index.               -- !
 19    ! --                   to avoid Numerical error       -- !
 20    ! --                           ( == pivot selection)  -- !
 21    ! --      LU(i,:) = A( indx(i),: )                    -- !
 22    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 24    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 25    ! --- [1] Singular Matrix Detection & vv Info        --- !
 26    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 27    !  -- [1-1] prepare index / Bmat                     --  !
 28    allocate( Bmat(nSize,nSize), vv(nSize) )
 29    do i=1, nSize
 30       indx(i) = i
 31    enddo
 32    do j=1, nSize
 33       do i=1, nSize
 34          Bmat(i,j) = Amat(i,j)
 35       enddo
 36    enddo
 37    !  -- [1-2] large value check for permutation        --  !
 38    do i=1, nSize
 39       BBMax = 0.d0
 40       do j=1, nSize
 41          if ( abs( Bmat(i,j) ).gt.BBMax ) BBMax = abs( Bmat(i,j) )
 42       enddo
 43       if ( BBmax.eq.0.d0 ) then
 44          write(6,*) "[LU_Decomposition] Singular Matrix !!! ERROR !!!"
 45       endif
 46       vv(i) = 1.d0 / BBMax
 47    enddo
 48    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 49    ! --- [2] Main Loop of the LU Decomposition          --- !
 50    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 51    do j=1, nSize  ! -- main loop -- !
 52       !  -- [2-1] col-wise ( horizontal scan )          --  !
 53       do i=1, j-1
 54          sum = Bmat(i,j)
 55          do k=1, i-1
 56             sum = sum - Bmat(i,k)*Bmat(k,j)
 57          enddo
 58          Bmat(i,j) = sum
 59       enddo
 60       BBMax = 0.d0
 61       !  -- [2-2] row-wise ( vertical scan )            --  !
 62       do i=j, nSize
 63          sum = Bmat(i,j)
 64          do k=1, j-1
 65             sum = sum - Bmat(i,k)*Bmat(k,j)
 66          enddo
 67          Bmat(i,j) = sum
 68          dbuff     = vv(i) * abs(sum)
 69          if ( ) then
 70             iMax  = i
 71             BBMax = dbuff
 72          endif
 73       enddo
 74       !  -- [2-3] permutation :: exchange Bmat & indx   --  !
 75       if ( ) then
 76          do k=1, nSize
 77             dbuff        = Bmat(iMax,k)
 78             Bmat(iMax,k) = Bmat(j,k)
 79             Bmat(j,k)    = dbuff
 80          enddo
 81          vv(iMax)   = vv(j)
 82          ibuff      = indx(j)
 83          indx(j)    = indx(iMax)
 84          indx(iMax) = ibuff
 85       endif
 86       !  -- [2-4] singular matrix :: mild prescription  --  !
 87       if ( Bmat(j,j).eq.0.d0 ) then
 88          Bmat(j,j) = eps
 89       endif
 90       !  -- [2-5] Diagonal component 1 / D              --  !
 91       if ( ) then
 92          dbuff = 1.d0 / Bmat(j,j)
 93          do i=j+1, nSize
 94             Bmat(i,j) = Bmat(i,j) * dbuff
 95          enddo
 96       endif
 97    enddo  ! -- main loop end -- !
 98    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
 99    ! --- [3] store Lmat & Umat for easy use             --- !
100    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
101    do i=1, nSize
102       !  -- [3-1] B( i, j=1~i-1   ) ==> Lmat            --  !
103       do j=1, i-1
104          Lmat(i,j) = Bmat(i,j)
105       enddo
106       !  -- [3-2] Diagonal Component of Lmat == 1       --  !
107       Lmat(i,i) = 1.d0
108       !  -- [3-3] B( i, j=i~nSize ) ==> Umat            --  !
109       do j=i, nSize
110          Umat(i,j) = Bmat(i,j)
111       enddo
112    enddo
113    return
114  end subroutine LU_Decomposition
117  ! ====================================================== !
118  ! === Backward Substitution Method                   === !
119  ! ====================================================== !
120  subroutine LU_BackSubstitution( Lmat, Umat, bvec, xvec, indx, nSize )
121    implicit none
122    integer         , intent(in)  :: nSize
123    integer         , intent(in)  :: indx(nSize)
124    double precision, intent(in)  :: bvec(nSize)
125    double precision, intent(in)  :: Lmat(nSize,nSize), Umat(nSize,nSize)
126    double precision, intent(out) :: xvec(nSize)
127    integer                       :: i, j, ii, ll
128    double precision              :: sum
130    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
131    ! --- [1] prepare for back substition                --- !
132    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
133    do i=1, nSize
134       xvec(i) = bvec(indx(i))
135    enddo
136    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
137    ! --- [2] solve Ly = b    ( Ax = LUx = Ly = b )      --- !
138    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
139    ii=0
140    do i=1, nSize
141       sum = xvec(i)
142       if ( ) then
143          do j=ii,i-1
144             sum = sum - Lmat(i,j) * xvec(j)
145          enddo
146       else if ( ) then
147          ii = i
148       endif
149       xvec(i)  = sum
150    enddo
151    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
152    ! --- [3] solve Ux = y  using above y                --- !
153    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
154    do i=nSize, 1, -1
155       sum = xvec(i)
156       do j=i+1, nSize
157          sum = sum - Umat(i,j) * xvec(j)
158       end do
159       xvec(i) = sum / Umat(i,i)
160    enddo
162    return
163  end subroutine LU_BackSubstitution
166  ! ====================================================== !
167  ! === LU_MatrixInverse                               === !
168  ! ====================================================== !
169  subroutine LU_MatrixInverse( Amat, Ainv, nSize )
170    implicit none
171    integer         , intent(in)  :: nSize
172    double precision, intent(in)  :: Amat(nSize,nSize)
173    double precision, intent(out) :: Ainv(nSize,nSize)
174    integer                       :: i, j
175    integer         , allocatable :: indx(:)
176    double precision, allocatable :: Lmat(:,:), Umat(:,:), xvec(:), bvec(:)
178    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
179    ! --- [1] preparation of matrix & indx               --- !
180    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
181    allocate( Lmat(nSize,nSize), Umat(nSize,nSize), indx(nSize) )
182    allocate( xvec(nSize), bvec(nSize) )
183    do j=1, nSize
184       do i=1, nSize
185          Ainv(i,j) = 0.d0
186       enddo
187       Ainv(j,j) = 1.d0
188    enddo
189    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
190    ! --- [2] LU Decomposition                           --- !
191    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
192    call LU_Decomposition( Amat, Lmat, Umat, indx, nSize  )
193    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
194    ! --- [3] matrix Inversion by back-substitution      --- !
195    ! ------------------------------------------------------ !
196    do j=1, nSize
197       do i=1, nSize
198          xvec(i)   = 0.d0
199          bvec(i)   = Ainv(i,j)
200       enddo
201       call LU_BackSubstitution( Lmat, Umat, bvec, xvec, indx, nSize )
202       do i=1, nSize
203          Ainv(i,j) = xvec(i)
204       enddo
205    enddo
207    return
208  end subroutine LU_MatrixInverse
211end module LU_DecompMod




1段目に入力した行列Aを表示し、2段目に行列AのLU分解結果を示している.3段目には、LU分解の確認のために、行列積LUを計算している.ここで、LU分解の際には部分ピボット選択のために行の入れ替わりが生じている.そこで、行の入れ替えを考慮した行列Aを4段目に表示しており、これがLU積と一致していることから正しくLU分解できていることがわかる.最後には、ピボット選択による入れ替え結果( indx )を示している.


次に、LU分解を用いた連立方程式の求解について検証している.上記、行列 A に対して与える左辺ベクトル b を1段目に示している.これを解くと次段に示した解が得られた.Ax、 及び、LUxを計算してやると3,4段目となり、入力した 左辺ベクトル b と一致していることがわかる.

次に、行列 A の逆行列をLU分解によって求めた結果を5段目に示す.これは、 Gauss-Jordan 法で解いた結果と一致しており、また、 AA^{-1}, A^{-1}A =E を6,7段目に示した.