2次元円柱周り流れのシミュレーション (Navier-Stokes Eq.)¶
領域は 縦 0.050 (m) 横 0.2 (m) の2次元矩形領域 ( (-0.1,-0.025)-(+0.1,+0.025) の領域 )
(x,y)=(-0.4, 0.0)に直径 0.010 (m) の円柱が存在する.
import numpy as np import os, sys import gmsh # ========================================================= # # === make__geometry === # # ========================================================= # def make__geometry( dimtags={} ): Lx,Ly = 0.2, 0.05 x0,y0,z0 = -0.5*Lx, -0.5*Ly, 0.0 xC,yC,zC = -0.2*Lx, 0.0, 0.0 rc = 0.10*min( Lx, Ly ) rect = gmsh.model.occ.addRectangle( x0, y0, z0, Lx, Ly ) circ = gmsh.model.occ.addDisk ( xC, yC, zC, rc, rc ) rect = [(2,rect)] circ = [(2,circ)] ret, fmap = gmsh.model.occ.cut( rect, circ, \ removeObject=True, removeTool=True ) dimtags["fluid"] = ret dimtags["circle"] = [(1,5)] dimtags["bottom"] = [(1,6)] dimtags["left"] = [(1,7)] dimtags["right"] = [(1,8)] dimtags["top"] = [(1,9)] return( dimtags ) # ========================================================= # # === 実行部 === # # ========================================================= # if ( __name__=="__main__" ): # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [1] initialization of the gmsh --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # gmsh.initialize() gmsh.option.setNumber( "General.Terminal", 1 ) gmsh.option.setNumber( "Mesh.Algorithm" , 5 ) gmsh.option.setNumber( "Mesh.Algorithm3D", 4 ) gmsh.option.setNumber( "Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm", 0 ) gmsh.model.add( "model" ) # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [2] Modeling --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # dimtags = {} dimtags = make__geometry( dimtags=dimtags ) gmsh.model.occ.removeAllDuplicates() gmsh.model.occ.synchronize() # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [3] Mesh settings --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # mesh_from_config = True # from nkGMshRoutines/test/mesh.conf, phys.conf uniform_size = 0.05 if ( mesh_from_config ): meshFile = "dat/mesh.conf" physFile = "dat/phys.conf" import nkGmshRoutines.assign__meshsize as ams print( dimtags ) meshes = ams.assign__meshsize( meshFile=meshFile, physFile=physFile, \ dimtags=dimtags, target="surf" ) else: import nkGmshRoutines.assign__meshsize as ams meshes = ams.assign__meshsize( uniform=uniform_size, dimtags=dimtags ) # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [4] post process --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # gmsh.model.occ.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.generate(2) gmsh.write( "msh/model.msh" ) gmsh.finalize()
# <names> key physNum meshType resolution1 resolution2 evaluation fluid 201 constant 3e-3 - - circle 105 constant 0.0 - - bottom 101 constant 0.0 - - left 102 constant 0.0 - - right 103 constant 0.0 - - top 104 constant 0.0 - -
# <names> key type dimtags_keys physNum fluid surf [fluid] 201 circle line [circle] 105 bottom line [bottom] 101 left line [left] 102 right line [right] 103 top line [top] 104
シミュレーション .sif ファイル¶
elmer シミュレーションコードは以下.
include "./msh/model/mesh.names" Header CHECK KEYWORDS Warn Mesh DB "." "msh/model" Include Path "" Results Directory "out/" End Simulation Max Output Level = 3 Coordinate System = string "Cartesian" Coordinate Mapping(3) = 1 2 3 Simulation Type = "Transient" TimeStepping Method = BDF BDF Order = 2 Timestep sizes(1) = 50e-3 Timestep Intervals(1) = 200 Steady State Max Iterations = 30 Post File = output.vtu End Constants Gravity(4) = 0 0 -1 9.82 !! m/s^2 End Solver 1 Equation = Navier-Stokes Linear System Solver = Iterative Linear System Scaling = Logical False Linear System Direct Method = UMFPACK Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-6 Linear System Max Iterations = 3000 Linear System Preconditioning = ILUT Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1.0e-7 Nonlinear System Max Iterations = Integer 500 Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = Real 0.8 Nonlinear System Newton After Iterations = 15 Nonlinear System Newton After Tolerance = 1.0e-3 Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-6 stabilize = True Div Discretization = True End Body 1 Name = "Fluid" Target Bodies(1) = $fluid Equation = 1 Material = 1 End Equation 1 Name = "Fluid" Active Solvers(1) = 1 Navier-Stokes = True End Material 1 Name = "Air" Density = 1.2e0 !! kg/m3 Viscosity = 1.0e-5 End Boundary Condition 1 Name = "left" Target Boundaries(1) = $left Velocity 1 = 0.05 Velocity 2 = 0 Velocity 3 = 0 End Boundary Condition 2 Name = "right" Target Boundaries(1) = $right Pressure = 0.0 End Boundary Condition 3 Name = "top" Target Boundaries(1) = $top Velocity 1 = 0 Velocity 2 = 0 Velocity 3 = 0 End Boundary Condition 4 Name = "bottom" Target Boundaries(1) = $bottom Velocity 1 = 0 Velocity 2 = 0 Velocity 3 = 0 End
右側=下流面:圧力ゼロ ( )
側面-固定癖:流速ゼロ ( )