最近傍点の探索 ( Blute-Force Attack )

Blute-Force Attack による最近傍点の探索

  • 最近傍点を探す方法は色々とある.

    • k近傍法

    • kd-Tree

    • etc.

  • 最も Primitive な手法が、総当たりで座標点間の距離を計算し、最小値を捜索するという手法

    • 次元数が増えるほど、データ点数が増えるほど、計算時間が増える.

    • 逆に言うと小さい組み合わせ数なら、速いし問題ない.

Blute-Force Attackの最近傍点探索のコード

  • コードは以下である.

    import numpy as np
    import os, sys
    import cv2
    # ========================================================= #
    # ===  search__nearestPoint.py                          === #
    # ========================================================= #
    def search__nearestPoint( vec1=None, vec2=None, returnType="index-distance", foreach=1 ):
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        # --- [1] arguments                             --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        if ( vec1 is None ): sys.exit( "[search__nearestPoint.py] vec1 == ???" )
        if ( vec2 is None ): sys.exit( "[search__nearestPoint.py] vec2 == ???" )
        if ( vec1.ndim == 1 ): vec1 = vec1[:,None]
        if ( vec2.ndim == 1 ): vec2 = vec2[:,None]
        if ( vec1.shape[1] != vec2.shape[1] ):
            print( "[search__nearestPoint.py] vec1 & vec2 have different number of dimension." )
            print( "[search__nearestPoint.py] vec1'shape :: {} ".format( vec1.shape ) )
            print( "[search__nearestPoint.py] vec2'shape :: {} ".format( vec2.shape ) )
            nLen1 = vec1.shape[0]
            nLen2 = vec2.shape[0]
            nDims = vec1.shape[1]
        if   ( foreach == 2 ):
            axis = 0       # -- compress vec1 -- #
        elif ( foreach == 1 ):
            axis = 1       # -- compress vec2 -- #
            print( "[search__nearestPoint.py] foreach must be [ 1, 2 ].... but foreach == {} [ERROR] "\
                   .format( foreach ) )
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        # --- [2] calculate distance                    --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        diff = np.zeros( (nLen1,nLen2,nDims) )
        for ik in range( nDims ):
            g1,g2        = np.meshgrid( vec1[:,ik], vec2[:,ik], indexing="ij" )
            diff[:,:,ik] = g1 - g2
        dist = np.sqrt( np.sum( diff**2, axis=2 ) )
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        # --- [3] find minimum distance                 --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        index    = np.argmin( dist, axis=axis, keepdims=True  )
        distance = np.take_along_axis( dist, index, axis=axis )
        index    = np.reshape( index   , (-1,) )
        distance = np.reshape( distance, (-1,) )
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        # --- [4] return                                --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        if   ( returnType.lower() in [ "distance" ] ):
            ret = distance
        elif ( returnType.lower() in [ "index" ] ):
            ret = index
        elif ( returnType.lower() in [ "index-distance" ] ):
            ret = ( index, distance )
        return( ret )
    # ========================================================= #
    # ===   Execution of Pragram                            === #
    # ========================================================= #
    if ( __name__=="__main__" ):
        vMin, vMax = -1.0, +1.0
        vec1       = np.random.random( (300, 2) ) * ( vMax -vMin ) + vMin
        vec2       = np.random.random( (400, 2) ) * ( vMax -vMin ) + vMin
        print( vec1.shape, vec2.shape )
        returnType = "index-distance"
        index, distance = search__nearestPoint( vec1=vec1, vec2=vec2, returnType=returnType, foreach=2 )
        print( index.shape, distance.shape )
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        # --- [2] draw test map                         --- #
        # ------------------------------------------------- #
        x_, y_, z_ = 0, 1, 2
        import nkUtilities.plot1D         as pl1
        import nkUtilities.load__config   as lcf
        import nkUtilities.configSettings as cfs
        pngFile                  = "png/test.png"
        config                   = lcf.load__config()
        config                   = cfs.configSettings( configType="plot.def", config=config )
        config["plt_xAutoRange"] = False
        config["plt_yAutoRange"] = False
        config["plt_xRange"]     = [ vMin-0.2, vMax+0.2 ]
        config["plt_yRange"]     = [ vMin-0.2, vMax+0.2 ]
        fig     = pl1.plot1D( config=config, pngFile=pngFile )
        fig.add__plot( xAxis=vec1[:,x_], yAxis=vec1[:,y_], color="Red" , linestyle="none", marker="o" )
        fig.add__plot( xAxis=vec2[:,x_], yAxis=vec2[:,y_], color="Blue", linestyle="none", marker="o"  )
        for ik,conn in enumerate( index ):
            xAxis = np.array( [ vec1[conn,x_], vec2[ik,x_] ] )
            yAxis = np.array( [ vec1[conn,y_], vec2[ik,y_] ] )
            fig.add__plot( xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis, color="Grey", linestyle="-" )


  • 実行結果は以下.

    • foreach = 2 として設定、vec2(青) の全てについて最近傍のvec1(赤)を探索し、グレーの線分で結んでいる.
